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Founded in Singapore in 2004, Jetsprinters Express Group is all about delivering the finest qualities and innovations at best value prices for everyone. Our vision is to constantly come up with new and exciting products that can improve lives everywhere.

There are currently over 5 million people in Singapore, and most industries have been monopolized by the big brands. With ever-soaring overheads and pursuit for record profits, prices at these big brands have been heavily marked-up, and somewhat represent little value for the consumer and great growth opportunities for Jetsprinters Express Group.

Increasing numbers of tech-savvy consumers demand convenience at best value prices, and we have responded by
introducing innovative web-based technologies to reduce overheads and to reach out to a wider group of consumers.

Our core businesses include travel and insurance, and we are expanding into the markets of transportation, financial services, mobile applications development and food services. Our success lies in our people and our relentless pursuit of finding efficient ways to serve you at a price lower than the prevailing market price, and this summarizes our brand and what we do.

Even as we continue to grow our business and obtain our resources from this earth we live in, we must always remember to protect this fragile earth that sustains life. Hence, we have embarked on a commitment towards sustainable holidays and we invite you to do your part too.
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